Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ikea drawers gone union jack

Going on five years, seven apartments, and this dresser unit from ikea has officially seen better days, cosmetically speaking.  Its hard to believe it was once white.  Now its faded to this weird eggshell creme with various bumps and bruises.  I've had this idea in my head for a while, so after moving in to the newest of apartments I decided it was finally time for the face lift.  And because I'm a photo-addict, I bring to you, a step-by-step series of photos.

the inspiration.
step 1: painters tape.
step 2: open a heineken. turn on The Who.
step 3: paint it red.
step 4: fill in the blue.
step 5: remove tape.
*tuh dah*
step 6: give it a home.

the end.

(ps)i really did listen to the who. that wasn't a joke.  :)


  1. amazing! i can't wait to get my hands on some apartment decorating when i move in a couple weeks. this is such a great use of old and well-loved furniture.

  2. I just came across your blog and I love it! What fabulous inspiration and amazing diy xx

  3. Thank you both!! It such a good feeling when you can take something old and ugly, get creative and turn it into something you love!!

    Good luck with the apt decorating!! Thats my favorite part!

  4. this is fantastic! thank you so much for sharing. i'm in love with this creativity.

    xo Alison


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