Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tim Burton Exhibit Oozes Inspiration.

Yesterday my friends ((Jen & Gilbert)) and I took a field trip to the Tim Burton exhibition at LACMA.  The exhibit is a retrospective of Burton's work, starting with his early work as teenager growing up in Burbank, spanning through his years at Disney, and up until now.  The exhibit was a creative collection of both his professional and personal works including: sketches, storybook mock ups, paintings, sculptures, stop motion films, short films, movie props, and a unique black light installation.  I mostly enjoyed his older personal sketches.  He really is a genius the way he combines these eerie sketched characters with undertones of humor.  I have to admit that prior to this I was never a huge Tim Burton fan.  I always enjoyed his work, but after seeing his exhibition I have developed a whole new enthusiastic passion for his vision and series of work.
Coincidentally, Aug 25th also happened to be Tim Burton's birthday, in which case everyone visiting the exhibit had the opportunity to wish him happy birthday on a dry erase board via photograph.

More pictures AFTER the break!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Shoe Makeover :: Studs & Stripes


So if a leather shoe becomes dirty, you have three options 1) clean it or get it cleaned 2) have it re-dyed or 3) make it more awesome.  I went with option numero tres.  I was so pleased with the outcome, I had to share it with you guys :)

The Process:
[1] take original shoe, and sketch up an idea

Behind the process and MORE pictures after the break!!

San Francisco, you steal my heart away.

A little photo montage to take you though my road trip to San Francisco!! Regardless of it ups and downs it was a fun trip.  And like always, a little part of my heart feels as though it was left behind in this amazing city.  Sit back, relax, LA--> SF here we come! Hope you enjoy..
I don't know that I suggest my driving style, it doesn't appear to be the safest..  :) 
Pit stop..
I'm not all that into tourist havens like Carmel.. So I made my rounds then waited at the car.
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