So tonight I took the liberty to scan this old photo of myself that was taken when I was about four. I have it displayed in my room because it is one of my all time favorite photos. I'm not gonna lie, part of me likes it because I think its cute, but the truth is there is only a hand full of events you remember when your this age. I remember this night like it was yesterday. And that that tutu, it was from K-mart. I'll never forget that either. I wanted it so bad. My parents had just enrolled me in my first ballet classes. I remember seeing that tutu while I was sitting in the shopping cart (the basket side). The sparkly mesh caught my eye! I don't think my mom wanted to by it (probably because it wouldn't have been appropriate for my ballet class & I'm sure she figured I wouldn't wear it). I must have pouted and cried enough to the point where my mom caved. My mom always says I was the most stubborn child. In my opinion, I just new what I wanted, and did what it took to get it. That never changed, either. I remember the night I put this on though. I was so excited about something, not sure what, but I had to grab/put on all my favorite things and have my mom take a picture. I was so exited, I forgot to take off my undershirt/tank. My mom instilled good habits into her kids at a young age, my brother and I wore undershirts everyday up until we could pick out our own outfits. Ha! So there I am with my favorite barrette, scrunchie, baby blue heart bracelet, button necklace, egg necklace, my baby dolly and my wooden blue cat. Possibly, I was a very strange child, but I did have style and I never stopped accessorizing. Always a material girl. What can I say, I grew up on Madonna, Dirty Dancing, and MC Hammer. This is not important, but I'm pretty sure my mom was on the phone when I gave her the camera. Anyways, point is, my love for fashion, jewelry, and pretty things has been running through my veins for a very long time. This here proves it. I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed reminiscing. And Mom, when and if you read this, you have to comment!
Its funny, too, because my 'look' has changed a lot in the last five years. I've had long hair, short hair, blond hair, black hair, blue hair, curly hair, strait hair, blah blah blah...but I've seemed to finally make a full circle. I'm literally rocking my hair from the early 90's. I can't stop laughing. But I do love it.
this is amazing. and yes, the photo is super cute. i have photos just like this. i always looked like a street urchin because i didn't want to wear shoes outside, my long long always came out of whatever doo my mom pulled it back in and got tangled with leaves, and i would come in and put on my favorite princess dress. dirt and tulle. gotta love us little girls.